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Chaithanya Murali Linkedin

Chief Growth Officer

With a passion for nurturing people and businesses, Chaithanya Murali is the Chief Growth Officer at Novatr. He plays a pivotal role in driving the company's expansion and success. As a graduate architect, Chaithanya possesses a deep understanding of the intricacies of design and construction. However, what truly sets him apart is his empathetic approach towards his team and the industry.

Boasting a proven track record in scaling early-stage startups, Chaithanya brings invaluable experience to Novatr. His ability to identify growth opportunities and develop strategic plans aligns seamlessly with Novatr's mission to disrupt and empower the AEC (Architectural, Engineering, and Construction) industry.

Chaithanya's passion extends beyond business growth; with his strong commitment to career development. His dedication to nurturing talent is exemplified by his establishment of a placement cell at his grad school, further emphasising his desire to help others succeed professionally.

Outside of architecture and business, Chaithanya Murali is an adventurer at heart. His love for exploration and pushing boundaries mirrors Novatr's commitment to pushing the envelope in the AEC industry.

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